Coffee with Californian chef Dawnie Perry

Each month, we meet a person we like, whose life or work revolves around food, to discuss their tips for a beautiful art of living.
Welcome to our Table Diary!
Today, we present Dawnie Perry, a Californian chef who is taking Paris by storm, creating menus for cafés, organizing pop ups and serving refreshing plates with the creative Studio Melka team.

A childhood inspired by cooking
Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Dawnie Perry. I'm 25 years old and was born in Vietnam. I was adopted as a baby and grew up in Southern California.I grew up in a vegetarian household, but that never limited my curiosity about cooking! I always craved sauces and condiments: soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sriracha, yellow mustard, pico de gallo and, like all American kids, ketchup. I was a big fan of dippers. My brother and I thought we were geniuses when we invented a sauce called "swirly whirly", made with ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. At the age of 8, I became obsessed with the Food Network. I was so inspired that I started cooking for my friends and selling paper bag lunches to my classmates, until I was punished by the school administration.

Tableware by Dawnie
How do you set your table?
I like my table to be rustic. I like textures (plants, textiles, candle wax), materials (glass, metal, ceramics), heights and even eras and cultures. There are no limits. When I was younger, I would have stuck to a theme, but today I'm more inclined to go with my gut feeling. Setting the table is like cooking. A dish has to have texture, acidity and brilliance, fat and heat, salty and sweet, just like a table setting. From matching chairs to cups and cutlery, I'm drawn to clutter, which is ironic coming from someone who is very tidy in her daily life... but I should point out that I'm not a minimalist.
What are the secret ingredients of a perfect dinner party?
The few secret ingredients of a dinner party are:
- Plan ahead, but don't be rigid. Nothing ever goes exactly as planned;Divide the work.
- Spread the work around. Be the boss, but don't carry the load. Lighting and background music are very important;
- A slightly more "American" approach is the "doggy bag". Prepare a few more portions than necessary and ask guests to bring Tupperware. I love sending people home with their lunch for the next day.