Dressing, cooking, entertaining
What is your fetish ingredient that you couldn't live without?
Lemon and fresh herbs are key. I think I use them for almost every dish. They refresh and make your dish smell so good even beforehand. I don't see how you can really go wrong with lemon and fresh herbs. And when they are about to go bad you can make tea with them.
What do you usually cook for a solo meal?
I try to cook a wide variety of dishes. I like pure dishes based on fresh produce, like lots of baked vegetables with canned salmon or fish. I also prepare a bowl of rice at least once a week. But at the end of the day, I try not to think too much about which flavors go well together; as long as I have a plate full of healthy, tasty things, often including leftovers from the day before, I'm happy. And if I don't feel like cooking, I settle for another dish of pasta with tomato. Pasta is my comfort food! With a garlic and tomato sauce, it's so easy and I can't get enough of it.
What's your favorite TABLE piece?
Aprons are my favorite piece. I use mine almost every day for painting. They're all handmade in their Marseille workshop and tell their own story because they're made from old fabrics. In my case, the front pocket is always full of brushes and I've received many compliments on my Table apron from the people I share my workshop with.