Wood in collaboration with Perron et Frères for Table

Table is pleased to present its wood edition in collaboration with French artist duo Perron et Frères: elegant, timeless pieces born of exceptional woodworking expertise.

"To design these pieces, we were inspired by the first textile table collection, the stripe. It also makes sense in the way we make the wooden objects. It's necessary to glue different pieces together to ensure stability, so we chose to show these assemblies playing with the colors of two different native species: ash and walnut."

A design duo in Pantin, France

Can you introduce yourself?

We are Studio Perron et Frères, a company that designs and creates objects, furniture and custom projects. The studio is made up of Gérald Perrin, a trained cabinetmaker and marquetry artist, and Mayeul Reignault, a designer. We work together on the design and realization of our projects, constantly moving back and forth between creation and production in our workshop, where we manufacture most of our creations.

What is your relationship with wood and woodworking?

Gérald's knowledge is what led to the creation of a wood production workshop. And even if PEF's production isn't limited to wood, it's definitely our material of choice. It's an infinite resource, with a plastic and mechanical richness that would take a lifetime to grasp. It's also one of the most judicious materials for making furniture, for its structural, durable and ecological characteristics. It's also worth noting that we love its looks, its veins, its colors. There's an almost carnal relationship when we shape it. We see the tree that generated a board, its materiality is very direct with its origin. And even today, we are fascinated by its plastic force when a piece of furniture is born.

Discover the collab

Inspired by nature and everyday practices

What is your creative process and how would you describe your life at the studio?

Our projects are very varied, and the design process evolves with each one. But what's always essential in our productions are sensitive responses to uses, functions or contexts, as well as a direct link with production, enabling concrete and viable responses.

We also like to constantly question preconceived systems, and to highlight assemblies between materials, whatever they may be, through fine design or a new connection.

What inspires you to create your pieces on a daily basis?

It may sound a bit candid, but we're inspired by everything around us. Gerald and I are very curious about everyday life and see interesting details in gestures, shapes and attitudes. It's quite unpleasant to follow us around an exhibition or a walk - we spend our time looking in nooks and crannies, under furniture, at the back of anything.

The art of the table by Perron et Frères

Can you tell us about your relationship with the world of food and tableware?

We're all bellies on legs, so of course it's very important! Our kitchen is like one of the workshop's machines, it's indispensable and is used every day. We're committed to cooking for our team every day.

As craftsmen, we feel very close to farmers, breeders, market-gardeners and wine-growers, for whom the use of a good product is essential.

What do you like to cook at the workshop?

We like the simplest things. A cuisine that brings out the best in the produce, with very little processing and very little work. Because we're short of time, we often cook simple dishes like pasta or risottos.

What are the secret ingredients of a perfect meal?

There's no magic recipe for us, but with a good cheese and good bread we're happy!

What's your favorite piece from our collection?

We love the collection of unique pieces, made from old patchwork tablecloths, tea towels and napkins.

Discover the unique pieces